The lecture system was crazy for teaching organic chemistry. What are professors doing in a lecture? They’re outlining and explaining the important points (and wasting time mentioning even obvious points) of the text on the blackboard. But why? Gutenberg invented movable type. That made printed textbooks available 500 years ago — even now in chemistry rather than alchemy! Students don’t read them? Of course not, if the whole course is dependent on what the prof puts on a blackboard! Students can’t pick out the most important ideas and facts from a 500-page text (in 1948, or thousand-page now) by themselves. They’re beginners.This reminded me of something Bertrand Russell said in his biography, which my wife gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I can't find the exact quote, but he said that at university he never learned anything from the dons, and resolved that if he became one he would not expect his students to learn anything from him either. I think he was referring more to content than style, but both are clearly important.
The resignation to the students not reading the text is one I've experienced in my own career over the last couple of decades of teaching college math. A textbook literacy project, perhaps run by the school library, might be a way to approach this. Or a general reading campaign (here's an amusing take on that: faceabook).
The solution to the lecture/textbook problem is summarized by Dr. Lambert thus:
[W]hy not give them something a bit better than the [class] notes on the day or the week before the class, not really an outline of the text but more of a guide to what’s important and what’s not in each day’s text assignment. Then the students could read a day’s assignment and know what to look out for as the key points, realizing that the professor is not going to outline it on the board. Instead, she or he will explain in detail a few complex things in the assigned pages, answer any questions about them, and show how to conquer problems like those in the text, always open to questions and for back and forth with students.This is an argument for a more engaged style like that of the vodcasting approach. The two are quite similar, in fact. The main difference is that a static outline has been replaced by video. The advantages of the second, to me, are that actually hearing words is better than reading them (for evolutionary reasons), and the animation possibilities inherent to the video medium are superior to plain text. Combined, the vodcasting approach has significant advantages for delivering information. For indexing material and outlining the important bits, I can see where a static outline would still be a great thing to have.
How might you try this out? This is a question I'm tossing around. There are the funding and nuts/bolts questions: how to actually record and distribute the material, train the professors, and so forth. Also is the need for a local champion to take on the project. Finally, one would like to assess the results of this, especially given all the time and expense involved. For the last part, Dr. Richard Hake [blog] has long advocated using pre/post tests for the sciences as a way to demonstrate accomplishment, and the research seems to support this position.
I spent some time Googling "alternatives to lecturing" and sifting through the results. Much of it is fairly obvious: use discussion, debate, Q&A, problem-solving, and so forth. More interesting is the idea to use simulations in class. This probably works best for technical fields, but has some advantages. In my experience, simulations can:
- Teach deep connections with directed 'play'.
- Teach software tools used in the profession
- Teach secondary skills like programming
- Link to coursework in an obviously applied setting
Perhaps the real problem with lectures is that they don't engage the learning part of our brain. How do we learn? By trying things and making mistakes until we get it right, I would say. Simulations and similar types of software can provide that.
In an other years-long project, David Kammler at SIU-C and I developed a software package for Fourier Analysis, which can be used to 'play' with the ideas. Here's an example I used in a grant application:
Load a vector, traced from an image. This is a complex list of values (meaning real and imaginary parts) plotted on the complex plane in the usual way.

An ideal program might be outlined like this:
- Facilitate the creation and use of vodcasts with a trial group of instructors, providing technology and support, probably through the library in combination with faculty development leadership
- Help the faculty member develop active classroom strategies to supplement the vodcasts
- Outline and index vodcasts, and put the technology in place to deliver them over the web
- Provide a textbook literacy program at the library and encourage use by the target group of students
- Mate the program to a software package that can do simulations quickly and easily
- Assess with pre/post tests on content
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