Monday, August 06, 2007

Learning Outcomes

Our college has a standard template for reporting assessments of learning outcomes, which is used by most departments. At a minimum, each academic major needs learning outcomes for technology literacy, core skills (thinking and communication skills), and specific program outcomes, such as mastery of a body of knowledge or techniques.

Each objective has five parts. The first three comprise the plan, and are written in future tense. This plan typically rolls over from year to year with slight modifications. The other two headings on the report are the results and actions, and are written in past tense. You can find more details in our IE manual. The system for organizing the data has been released as an open-source project called openIGOR. The core skills (liberal arts) evaluation is called FACS, and is described in a paper that will be updated soon with last year's data. All of these links can be found together here.

I have attempted to remove information that would identify individuals, so the report is very slightly edited. There were no negative remarks from SACS about it, although some areas are clearly stronger than others. One external reviewer noted that many areas needed to be more explicit about their particular program outcomes.

The bracketed numbers refer to reference documents that are not included. Many of these are rubrics or matrices of some sort.

You can download the document with the completed learning objectives here. It's in Word. Note that in our haste to prepare the report, I ended up with several copies of this appendix. If you find typos or other nonsense, that means I probably didn't grab the final edited version.