Yesterday I solved one of my data problems, but that just led to another one. I can now filter large correlation tables for (absolute) values above a threshold, but it's still laborious to connect those in a diagram that shows the relationships. So the next step was to look for a program to display graphs. Here, I don't mean bar graphs and pie charts and whatnot, but the mathematical object that was unfortunately also called a graph, which consists of vertices and edges. Or dots and lines connecting them, if you prefer. A map of a subway system is a kind of graph. Here's a very simple one:
With the correlations, I want to see what belongs with what on a graph that is generated automatically from a threshold I assign. In the example above, survey results show a perception that creativity is associated with artistic ability.
Fortunately, other people have already solved this problem, and it's just a matter of putting the machinery in place. I used two pieces of software,
GraphViz (thanks to AT&T and the
development team) and the
perl interface for it (thanks to developer Leon Brocard). Both of these are open source and free to use.
The only other thing
I had to do was extract the prompts for each item to correspond to the item codes. Otherwise, you get a nice graph showing that RATE1 connects to RATE2, which doesn't help understand what's going on.
I used the CIRP data with a .5 threshold to get these interesting networks of association. It takes just a few seconds to select the threshold value, run the scripts, and look at the resulting file. The code for generating the graphs from the output of the correlation summaries is
here. There are many, many options for displaying the graphs. The
gallery of GraphViz images shows off the versatility of the software.
This software does a great job of placing nodes logically so that the edges (the lines) are organized and neat.
Here is a complete output with some cool new modifications.